All companies from Region-altmarkkreis-salzwedel-de

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Breite Straße 39
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 422034 | Fax: 03901 3059196
Morgenstraße 16
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 424742
Entertainment Eelectronics
Am Güterbahnhof 19
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 34090 | Fax: 03901 34095
Kastanienweg 3
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 35030 | Fax: 03901 35032
Tuchmacherstraße 59
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 306004 | Fax: 03901 304895
Feldstr. 25a
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 83960
Wholesale Trade
Burgstraße 5
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 303430 | Fax: 03901 303432
Groß Chüdener Chaussee 3
29410 - Salzwedel - Pretzier
Tel.:039037 956000 | Fax: 039037 956001
Solar Technology
Schäferstegel 57
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901-307 84 22
Computer Service
Burgstraße 56
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 82388 | Fax: 03901 82389
Travel Agency
Altperverstraße 47
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 34403 | Fax: 03901 82954
Insurance Broker
Bahnhofstraße 6
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 302905 | Fax: 03901 302945
Gerstedter Weg 8
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 3087950 | Fax: 03901 3087960
Online Shop
Kristallweg 3
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 30230 | Fax: 03901 302330
Hardware Store
Holzmarktstraße 4- 6
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 422107 | Fax: 03901 3059196
Lüneburger Straße 2-7
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03931 640-0 | Fax: 03931 640-666
Employment Office
Gerstedter Weg 4
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 25118
Goethestraße 26
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 85836 | Fax: 03901 858375
Burgstraße 2
29410 - Salzwedel
Tel.:03901 26077 | Fax: 03901 302925
Insurance Broker

All companies from Region-altmarkkreis-salzwedel-de

This list shows you all entries registered with city-amp from Region-altmarkkreis-salzwedel-de

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A business directory of companies with phone number, attractions, events, offers, coupons, and more. Directly on the map.